LICROX 3rd consortium meeting
The LICROX consortium gathered virtually on the 1st of October to share the project’s updates and developments. The meeting was this time hosted by ICFO.
The meeting started with a welcome message from Jordi Martorell and Alastair Cunningham (ICFO) who shared an introduction to ICFO and particularly, to the ICFO groups working on light for energy. The meeting agenda was divided into two parts: Non-scientific presentations about the main updates of WP7 (Project management) and WP6 (Environmental impacts, social acceptance, exploitation, and dissemination of results); and scientific presentations from WP3 (Semiconductors for the photo-anode and cathode); and WP4 (Light trapping in the PEC), WP2 (CO2R tandem catalysis and WOC).
After the updates and discussion of the WPs, the External Advisory Board member Emanuele Instuli (R&D expert at DeNora) commented on some of the matters discussed and asked for some clarifications. The meeting ended with a wrap-up talk by Prof. Antoni Llobet (LICROX coordinator) where he thanked all of the participants for their presentations and the work carried out. He encouraged LICROX members to participate in events and to start reaching out to society to explain the project. Llobet also remarked work lying ahead.
The next consortium meeting will be held next March at TUM. Hopefully, it will be an in-person meeting.